LT Sherman Makes First Map From Airplane

by Lori S. Stewart, USAICoE Command Historian 31 MARCH 1913 On 31 March 1913, Lt. (later Lt. Col.) William C. Sherman sketched a map of the terrain...

March 24, 2023
4:00 AM

by Lori S. Stewart, USAICoE Command Historian 31 MARCH 1913 On 31 March 1913, Lt. (later Lt. Col.) William C. Sherman sketched a map of the terrain during a flight from San Antonio to Texas City, Texas. It was the first attempt to prove the value of aerial mapping for military planning. William Sherman was a natural achiever. Born in 1888, he graduated high school, completed two years of college, and received an appointment to West Point, all before the age of eighteen. The multi-talented Georgia-native—he excelled at chess and polo and sang in the choir—showed an early interest in what he referred to as 'aerial navigation.

Lori Stewart